Culture and Health: Applying Medical Anthropology
Medical anthropology is a multidisciplinary field that examines the relations of ecology and cultural behaviors to health and disease and provides an integrative approach to understanding the multifactorial causal dynamics of well-being. Medical anthropology spans the concerns of such diverse fields as evolutionary medicine, medical ecology, cultural epidemiology, ethnomedicine, transcultural psychiatry, public health, critical medical anthropology, and transcultural nursing. I have written Culture and Health: Applying Medical Anthropology, a textbook for classes in Medical Anthropology, Intercultural Relations, Cross-cultural Counseling, Community Medicine, Transcultural Nursing, Social Work, Cross-cultural Psychology and Public Health that provides an integrative approach to understanding the multifactorial causal dynamics of health, disease and healing
Culture and Health offers an overview of different areas of culture and health, building on foundations of medical anthropology and health behavior theory. It shows how to address the challenges of cross-cultural medicine through interdisciplinary cultural-ecological models and personal and institutional developmental approaches to cross-cultural adaptation and competency. The book addresses the perspectives of clinically applied anthropology, trans-cultural psychiatry, medical ecology, critical medical anthropology and symbolic paradigms as frameworks for enhanced comprehension of health and the medical encounter. Includes cultural case studies, applied vignettes, and self-assessments.